We will help you establish a meditative, breathwork practice to assist with calm clarity during any workshop you attend. These foundational routines can assist with healing in many different ways. If you’ve always wanted to try these practices, now is the time.

Now that you’ve prepared, you can feel confident about going into your therapy. We always provide honest feedback to ensure your readiness to participate in a therapeutic session. Throughout the experience, you’ll be able to call on these tools to help keep you grounded and safe.
Before you commit to Inner Directive therapy, you must understand that there will be deep psychological healing and sometimes you will need help. We assist you with guided imagery meditation so that you can recall the trip and embody the lessons received. We provide integration work in very creative ways so that the client feels safe and loved.

“I had the pleasure of spending a day in the jungle with Gold Cap. I had many fears going into it and left the experience with none. They seemed to have a great intuitional awareness and Created a very comfortable space.
Their knowledge and general demeanour were soothing which led to feeling at ease speaking about some of my darkest memories and traumas of combat and addiction. Overall I couldn’t have asked for a better experience.”
“If I could describe my experience with Gold Cap, the word that came to me is ”clarity”. I felt much clearer the next day of the workshop on many different levels that weren’t so visible before working with them.
I saw the connection of why I behaved in a certain way and why certain things kept repeating the way they did in my life. It is astonishing to come to the realisation that all it needed was a deeper look. I feel there are more layers to be opened and more answers to be discovered inside of myself.
“I feel blessed to have had this experience with Gold Cap and am very thankful. Their energy, kindness and experience made it an easy safe wonderful experience.
I feel content, calm, happy, cleaner and different. The medicine was so beautiful and gentle. It seemed like only 1 hour and I feel sure the time in nothing will gently reveal more gifts to me.